Archive for September 10, 2024


“Where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came.” Sounds like the well-known words to a great old TV show, doesn’t it? “Cheers” sure had it right, with their cute and memorable jingle. Whether you are familiar with the premise of this ‘80s comedy hit or not, the message is relevant: People like to go to places where they feel welcomed and relaxed. And, when the establishment in question is a restaurant and the food is also simply amazing, every single time, then a lot of happy diners get online and rave about their experience. Such is the case with Venice’s own BrewBurger’s, home of what many claim is the best burger around. They are a family-friendly pub serving amazing burgers, wings, rings, and a whole menu of tasty other things in a laid-back atmosphere. And, also, if they don’t know your name, they’ll still make you feel at home. Eventually though, you’ll visit so many times, you will all be well-acquainted.

What makes up a fabulous burger? For some, it is all about the meat. Large portions of the freshest cuts of prime beef are essential for burger connoisseurs. Others need a bun, soft or firm, hearty or petite in relation to the meat – – to be the wingman to the burger. And then the cheese, catsup, mustard, onions, etcetera, are either “key” or “persona non grata” for burger fans. At BrewBurger’s, they’ll do it your way, or you can have it their way, which includes ingenious burgers topped with everything from fried eggs to ham. Add in their Saratoga chips or sweet-potato fries and you have some seriously heavenly matches. But it does not stop there, you know. If you want a great Philly cheesesteak, try one of their imaginative varieties, even that cool one with the teriyaki flair. Their wings, bone in or not are so perfectly prepared whether naked, seasoned, or drenched in a variety of tantalizing sauces, that deciding what to order can become difficult. Wings, burgers, salads, homemade soups and a five-alarm chili – there are no poor choices at BrewBurger’s. And as far as the brew part of the equation, they have a great variety of on-tap or in-the-bottle beers and wines. Finish off your meal with a chocolate milkshake or a piece of their famous peanut butter pie and call it a great day.

With two convenient locations, at Jacaranda and I-75 and on Venice Island, you are never too far away from a quick, fresh, friendly meal. Expanding their repertoire is a great BrewBurger’s food truck which has been making the rounds to rave reviews at local events. With additions like the food truck and patrons clamoring for additional locations, BrewBurger’s owner, Michael Bacon, knows the importance of creative financing and stretching the buck as far as it can possibly go. That is why nearly ten years ago, he made the decision to join IBE.

Regarding his satisfaction with IBE, Michael explains, “When I first started out, I was looking for a way to broaden my reach. IBE made perfect sense as an avenue for advertisement, to meet new people, to basically get our name out there.” When asked about the outcome of that monumental decision, he says, “In a nutshell, it absolutely worked!” He goes on to say, “Now, it saves me money. I like to see my barter bucks build up and save them for a larger project. When it comes time to pay, it doesn’t hurt near as much when you use IBE.”

For Michael Bacon and the gang at BrewBurger’s, getting a new awning at the restaurant and having driveways paved are simply not a stressful expense with IBE footing the bill. Michael’s dream now is to save up his bartering power for some pretty amazing travel plans he is foreseeing in his future. Much like the consistently great but ever-evolving menu at BrewBurger’s he believes the IBE organization is a superior match for anyone wanting amazing service and a quality product.

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Larson Natural Health Center

Treating the symptoms of a much larger underlying issue can feel like a lesson in futility. It can become a never-ending cycle of doctor visits, clinic trips, and pharmacy bills which seem to be arming an assault on your checkbook. Why does it have to be so complicated? If only there was one healthcare haven; a place where the mind, body and spirit could receive healing and enrichment. You could maximize your time, piggy-backing appointments to lessen drive time and gas mileage. And, what about dealing with all those festering issues you have been meaning to take care of. You know what I am talking about, those feelings of self-doubt and wonders of worth you may have been struggling with. Are they the source of that neck pain you have been carrying around? What if there was one place, with dedicated professionals keen on bringing out the best in you? There is a place that will set you on the right path.  Because once they see you, make their assessment and formulate your treatment plan, the trusted professionals at Larson Natural Health Center will shine the light of beautiful wellness on you.

What is your ailment?  Are you suffering from the injuries received from a recent car accident?  What a stressful, trying time it can be to recover, deal with insurance companies and maintain order in your work and home life after you have been involved in a car accident.  The caring professionals at Larson Natural Health Center work with a dedicated team of attorneys, physical therapists’, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and a myriad of other healthcare individuals to make sure you are receiving a comprehensive treatment plan.  No need to drive around town from appointment to appointment at various locations when you are not feeling well in the first place. From auto accidents to sports and personal injury rehab, Larson Natural Health Center is a wellness mecca.

But what if you’re dealing with something that is blowing up in your life right at this moment that seems too challenging?  Are you struggling with the loss of a loved one, an impending divorce, or just feel that life’s problems are insurmountable?  You can’t sleep so work isn’t as productive as you need it to be and that just begins a downward spiral of ancillary problems.  Don’t walk that road alone, friend.  At Larson Natural Health Center, a variety of remedies are at your disposal; none are invasive, and some have been around for thousands of years.  From Reiki healing, a powerful and ancient Japanese technique to lessen stress and promote a balanced feeling of wellness, to laser therapy which allows people to move away from harmful pharmaceuticals and toward the warming light of cutting-edge laser technologies, relief is available.  Life coaches, physical therapy, acupuncture, customized orthotics – -at Larson Natural Health Center, their mantra of “mind, body, spirit” ensures you can finally reach that pinnacle of health and well-being.

As members of the IBE organization since 2008, Larson Natural Health Center has reaped the rewards of this cohesive bartering network many times over.  Jill Larson explains how they initially became interested in IBE, “A client came in who was so enthusiastic about IBE and knew we were new to the area.  They told us what a wonderful organization it was, so we joined!”  Jill goes on to speak of the “ripple effect” doing business with IBE has.  For example, when the Larson’s want a great meal out, they often use a QR Certificate for Clayton’s Siesta Grille, one of their favorite restaurants.  They inevitably invite their friends to come along, thus introducing new people and money to the restaurant.  Add in the social media posts, and hundreds, if not thousands, of viewers are tuning in.  That is free and effective marketing!

For the Larson’s, and so many others who are a part of the IBE family of businesses, Jill sums up their experiences with a common theme.  She is on-point when she says, “IBE allows you to do a lot of things you would not normally do.  We all want these fancy items and activities and with IBE we can get them.”

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Any Lab Test Now

We have all been there before.  A peculiar mole or previously unnoticed bump sends you into pure panic mode to find out which disease is causing your symptoms.  You are certain it is something terrible.  You know that feeling; worry sets in followed by intensive Google searches to see which non-curable illness has struck you.  It can be a nightmare of sleepless nights and endless worries.  There are tests you could get, but don’t you need a doctor to order those?  And, is it worth the co-pays and deductibles that need satisfying to even make a doctor’s appointment?  And that is if you are fortunate to have insurance in an age where sky-rocketed prices, limited options and tremendous deductibles have made insurance a luxury to have.

The good news is there is help for those of us who are under-insured, noninsured, cannot find time for a doctor’s appointment, or just want to do things our own way.  Forget working around limited laboratory hours and restrictive and expensive doctor appointments.  Any Lab Test Now offers flexibility and peace of mind at surprisingly low costs.  If you have been putting your health needs behind those of everyone and everything else, you do not have to do that anymore.  Look below at the lengthy list of tests and services that Any Lab Test Now offers and begin your healthy journey today.

For starters, do you fear your cholesterol has hit the roof? Or, do you wonder if a gluten allergen is the culprit for your nausea?  The comprehensive list of tests offered by Any Lab Test Now includes Allied Health Panels which screen for overall health, something students and healthcare professionals often require, to arthritis and complete metabolic screenings.  Lyme disease, heavy metal, basic allergy, drugs, and several other tests are plentiful and readily available without the need for expensive intermediaries like doctors and insurance companies.  How do physicians feel about directing patients to Any Lab Test Now?  According to the Bradenton location manager, Tom Brennan, “Physicians are sending patients to us, especially those without insurance or whose deductibles are too high to afford.”  It has turned into another tool for doctor’s offices to recommend to grateful patients.

As a member of the IBE extensive network of merchants and business owners, Any Lab Test Now has become a reliable drug-testing source for fellow barter human resource professionals.  Tom Brennan is appreciative of that business and says it is indicative of how IBE works.  “I have gotten so many new clients, all thanks to IBE.  And, now, I am open to gaining even more medical testing through IBE.”  Tom goes on to say that IBE “is wonderful, and especially great for any business that is service oriented.”

Whether it is through advertising for the business, or for going out to nice restaurants for amazing meals, computer repair, and, yes, even dentists, bartering has been very financially savvy for Any Lab Test Now.  “I have saved tons of money at the dentist through IBE.  It’s an easy decision for me to save up through IBE for large dental expenses.”  Tom further extols the virtues of IBE by saying, “I have also saved thousands of dollars on something else nobody wants to spend money on – – air-conditioning.”  Thanks to the bartering help of fellow IBE member, Veteran Air, Tom was able to reap those savings and pass them right back to his clients, and to expand the business.  The far-reaching positive effects of IBE are causing a buzz and creating financial momentum for its members.  That is relevant information that Tom and the team at Any Lab Test Now are always happy to share.

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Fineman Communications

It can be so frustrating to finally get the business up and running, clientele list building, and momentum flowing, only to have it all come to a screeching halt. What happens when season ends, or the grand opening hoopla subsides? What if your year-end clearance blowout was a huge success but now your employees are standing around collecting dust as the cash register sits silent? You need a steady, year-round presence so that people know you are open, with innovative graphics and slogans to make your brand pop.  So that you do not stagnate and wonder how to pay the bills when things slow down, get the assistance of a true professional. Let Fineman Communications do the heavy lifting of getting you noticed and increasing your revenue through amazing online and printed materials.

For Saul Fineman and his wife, Laura, theirs was a love meant to be. As lamented on their stunning website, the couple knew they had a knack for figuring out what made people tick, and more importantly, how to make people and places look their best, in visually stunning ways. With expertise in premiere graphics, their pairing ensures a complete package of marketing expertise that even the likes of American Idol superstar, Sam Wolff, has turned to for branding considerations. And, Sam is not the only well-known name associated with Fineman Communications. Just a sampling of their esteemed clientele list includes Terrecon, The Strategy Group, 20th Century Television and even the White House. But, for the Finemans, every customer is a “big ticket” name around the office. They provide the same care, professionalism and creative expertise to small mom-and-pop type businesses as they do with the Fortune 500 conglomerates.

What does it take to make your company dazzle in an age where it seems all the good ideas are taken? What does it take to set you apart, or at least notify potential customers of all the services and products that you offer in clever and novel ways? If you are undecided, then the answer is quite simple; let the experts at Fineman Communications do all that heavy graphics lifting. They understand how to set you up with jaw-dropping visuals and a catchy logo. Once that is done, they will guide you through Google hits and how to drive people to your website. They will make sure your social media presence is attractive and polished, with a river of ideas on how to market your company effectively. Once all of that is in place you can sit back and let the new business rush in. And, if you want to diversify your image or rebrand, they can assist with any changes you desire.

With over 25 years in the industry, Saul Fineman knows a good deal when he sees it. That is why he chose to become a member of IBE years ago, understanding a cohesive bartering organization can save businesses thousands of dollars a year. That is exactly the savings Saul and his wife enjoy on a regular basis. They know that they have a valuable service to offer and plenty of people need a great graphic artist partner so IBE brings many clients through the doors of Fineman Communications.  They think any business is a good fit for IBE but feel that the companies who offer services of any sort should join the International Barter Exchange network.  The benefits will immediately be felt.

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