
May 13, 2019

Absolute Payroll

We have all heard the mantra that instructs us to “buy where we live.” It makes sense, doesn’t it? After all, who knows the people, climate, laws, and attitudes of people in Florida better than a business owner who actually resides in Florida? Certainly not someone living in...
May 13, 2019

Golden Vision

Your eyes are the window to the world so their importance cannot be overstated. Seeing the beauty of all things great and small balances us all. From witnessing the transformation of your baby to a tomboy then on to a prom queen or seeing a caterpillar morph through...
May 11, 2019

The Thinking Center

As parents, we want nothing more than to see our children succeed. We watch with bated breath as our children meet milestones, celebrating every single step and word with praise and thanks. When they make their first friend, it is with wonder and joy that we anticipate the...
April 28, 2019

Congdon & Company

There are some times in life when you simply must have the best. Generic substitutions can be useful under the right circumstances but when it comes to matters that can influence your physical or financial well-being, excellence must be pursued. Choosing an accountant can be one of the...